Why Westside Baptist Preschool?
At Westside, it is our goal to provide a safe, Christ-centered educational setting where we can help children grow spiritually, academically, emotionally and socially. We are a Christian preschool intended for teaching academics and Christian attributes such as love, gentleness, kindness and a spirit of happiness through a personal relationship with God through His son, Jesus Christ.
We acknowledge the trust placed in the school by its families and we hold in high regard the privilege it is to minister to these families and assist them in the Christian training and nurturing of their children.
Westside welcomes all families without discrimination to race, gender, socio-economic status or
religious creed. Our philosophy comes from a common desire for excellence in meeting the needs of children and their families for nurturing growth and development, relationships and understanding.
Director’s Welcome
See what are parents are saying about us!
Welcome to Westside Baptist Prechool! Thank you for making the valuable investment in your child’s life by enrolling them in preschool!
Children who are in preschool experience hands-on activities, develop social skills, and test higher on their standardized achievement tests in their high school years. We pray that you will discover that Westside is a place where your children will grow, learn and be loved.
A child’s growth is best served by both home and school working closely together, establishing communication in the development of the child. Parent involvement and participation in school brings great rewards and can have a significant impact on their child’s life. We look forward to all that God will do as we work together in building a foundation for your child’s future.
It is such an honor and privilege to be able to work with children each day and help them learn and grow in a Christian environment. Westside truly is the place where we love your children.